The budget option for producing aluminum at home


Smelting aluminum billets for various turning operations or other purposes is much cheaper than buying finished blanks. Moreover, for fast melting at home, you can use any "consumable" materials that contain a lot of aluminum. This is a great idea for those who want to save money.

What should be done and how?

As the source of raw materials, you can use aluminum cans (canning or from beer), as well as cases of electric motors or other devices and assemblies, hollow tubes (for example, from a folding bed), wires - in general, everything that is at your fingertips.
However, do not use building profiles or corners. As a rule, such products are produced in factories oxidized, and in the process of their smelting a lot of slag is obtained. Please note that when melting aluminum, salt and soda must be added only to the molten mass, heated to a maximum temperature.

Before pouring liquid aluminum into cans, it is necessary to remove the “foam” - that is, remove all the slag that has formed on the surface. Conventional tin cans can be used as dishes into which molten aluminum will be poured.

Technology benefits

The advantage of this method is that aluminum billets can be cast from all kinds of rubbish, using the most primitive stove, which is supplied with ordinary natural gas used for domestic purposes, as a heating source.

With minimal investment, you get good quality aluminum billets. The process of melting aluminum, see the video on our website.
