Electromagnetic mop for cleaning the workplace


The basis of this homemade product is a 12 V electromagnetic coil - its dimensions are 100x30 mm. As a squeegee handle, a chip from an old club made of a rectangular section profile is suitable (as an option, you can use a conventional profile pipe, suitable in size).

The main stages of the work

At one end of the profile pipe using a grinder, it is necessary to make an oblique cut at an angle of 50-60 degrees. After that, in the case of the electromagnetic coil, it is necessary to drill two small holes with a diameter of 5 mm for a makeshift fastener.

Having drilled two holes, you can proceed directly to the manufacture of the fastener element. To do this, it is necessary to cut off a tire with a width of about 20 mm and a length of 8 cm from a corner with dimensions of 40x40 mm. We round the sharp edges of the resulting steel plate with a grinder.

Two more small workpieces must be cut from the remaining corner shelf. Then the final marking is applied, the workpieces are attached to the base and rigidly fixed by welding. The result is a fairly simple but reliable hardware.

Assembling an electromagnetic mop

Next, we move on to the next stage of manufacturing this homemade product: we install toggle switches, solder the wires and perform the final assembly. The result is a compact and very easy-to-use electromagnetic mop for cleaning a workplace in a home workshop or garage.

With this home-made tool, you can quickly collect metal shavings and other iron "little things" that are scattered across the floor or on the surface of the workbench. The electromagnetic mop is powered by an old car battery or a conventional 12 volt power supply.
