Sometimes housewives are faced with such a problem that the meat grinder is completely unable to scroll the meat. Of course, if you put more effort and patience, then some mincemeat will work. However, this whole process will take a lot of time - then you will not want to sculpt any cutlets.
To rectify the situation, it is necessary to perform two simple operations: sharpen the cutting knife and smooth the surface of the grating with sandpaper. This work is easy to do at home.
To do this, it is enough to prepare an even solid base (preferably made of metal), on which the basic elements of the meat grinder will be edited. For example, a piece of steel plate. You can also use ordinary glass or marble slab.
Grinding knife sharpening process
On a flat surface we put a piece of sandpaper No. 320 (often used for polishing the car body), and first of all we draw the plane of the metal grill of a manual meat grinder.
Yes, surface leveling may take some time. However, as they say: "Perseverance and work - all will grind."
In the same way we remove potholes and irregularities on the surface of the blade of the cutting knife. Then we change the 320th sandpaper to No. 1000, and repeat the same operations. As a result, we get a flat surface, without shells and potholes. Thanks to this, a manual meat grinder will again cut meat, like new.
For more information on how to sharpen a four-blade knife and a steel grill in a manual meat grinder at home, see the video on our website.