Cotton Roses


Good day. Since you are reading my article now, it means that you love to do various beautiful things with your own hands and you came here for inspiration and new ideas. Well, what do we start? Today we will make roses from cotton pads.
For this we need:
- Cotton pads.
- Aluminum wire.
- Glue.
- Scissors.
- Gouache green.
- A brush.
- Hairspray.
Take the right length wire and cotton pads. The length of the wire depends on how high you need the stem of the future flower. Cotton pads will need to be torn slightly, as shown in the photo. And wrap them around the wire. For reliability, the ends of the wool are fixed with glue. The stalk is ready. If the stem is not even in thickness, then there is nothing to worry about, because in real flowers the stems are not even.

Put our stems aside for now. We also take cotton pads and cut leaves out of them. In fact, you can cut the shape of the leaf at your discretion, I decided to cut the simplest form.

Now we paint the stems and leaves on two sides with green gouache. It is better to paint on a newspaper, so as not to stain the table.

Leave to dry. While we have free time. You can make rose buds. The flower can be collected on the stem, or it can be done separately, to whom it is convenient. We take cotton pads and glue again. We turn the first disk with a tube and fix it with glue.

We take the second disk and glue it on top of the tube, without gluing the edges of the disk on top, we will then correct (straighten) them as needed. So glue the other discs until the rose has the right size.

The bud is ready, you can glue it to the stem (if, of course, it has dried).

Then glue the leaves. You can stick the leaves all over the trunk, but I wanted to stick them only at the bottom of the bud.

When the glue has dried well and all the details of the flower hold well, the flower is ready. From these roses you can create a beautiful floral arrangement that will decorate a room in your home.

As you can see, you can make flowers not only white. Using gouache, you can make flowers of any color. Yes, I almost forgot, I advise you to apply hair styling varnish on the painted spots on the flower, thereby they will not be painted and the varnish will give them a little shine. Goodbye, see you soon.
